Saturday, September 10, 2011

We're moved in!

Today was a long day but we moved and are (somewhat) settled in. Below are some pics from the day.  My mom made dinner and we celebrated our first night in the house. Very exciting!! We feel very comfortable here and we feel like we belong.

Some highlights from the day:

We lost both sets of keys to our old apartment but the management didn't seem to care. They said we can drop them off any time (once we find them in our packed up moving boxes).  Ok....

The furniture store gave us a delivery window of 11:49 AM - 2:49 PM. While we were trying to figure out why "49", the truck pulled up at 11:49 AM exactly.  Strange... but impressed!

We went with Verizon for cable & internet and they helped us get it set up over the phone after shipping the parts to us. They couldn't of been nicer and we are fully up and running.  See you later Comcast!

The mailman (Steve) stopped by to introduce himself and chat. He said it's a great neighborhood and he's there if we need him.  Where did we move?!?!

Mike hard at work

A lovely first dinner


Our watchdog keeping an eye on the neighborhood

Friday, September 9, 2011

Moving Day

Tomorrow is moving day.  Lots of odds and ends to wrap up tonight and then we begin at 8 AM.  Can't wait!

Photo from: The Consumerist

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mr. Handyman

Today was Labor Day but there was no time for rest.  We spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and trying to get things ready before we move in.

Mike kicked off a new life of yard work with a little help from H & P's mower.  Thank you!

More to come later this week...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 8

We're getting there...  Here are few pics with the stain down.  They say it will darken up a bit when the last top coat goes on.  Two more days and we're done (with the floors)!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Project: Fireplace

The fireplace has some real potential.  But, it needs a design overhaul. Our initial thoughts are to paint the shelves white, remove the mirrors, paint the back of the shelves a darker color, add some lighting and maybe paint the brick and mantal white (but not sure of that yet).

Here are the before pics:

Here are some inspiration pictures that we may use to redo this area:

Painted shelves with lighting
Photo from madamepumphrey's

A clean, white paint look