Friday, January 9, 2015

High Maintenance

Anyone watching this on Vimeo?  I saw some good posts about it so I watched an episode (Rachel). It was pretty funny so I want to start from the beginning and see what it's all about. Here is the story behind the series: "How two married writers turned an online series about a New York pot dealer into a Vimeo-sponsored must-see hit."
Watch episodes here

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!

Last year was a big year.  I had a baby in July so she's almost 6 months old now.  Mike got a new job.  And we had many other adventures that made it a very happy year.   But I wanted to get back to the blog since I slowed down a bit (ok, I stopped completely).   So what better way to start it back up with my goals for 2015.  I hope I can live up to these since, you know, I'm writing them down for all to see.  Ready, set, go!

Goal 1: Lose the baby weight (and what was there before baby!)
A friend sent me this "diet" which really is a common sense list on how to eat better.  I don't think it's a way of life for the long run but I hope it gives me the jump start I need to get myself on track.  

Goal 2: Start the blog back up
In progress...

Goal 3: Get back into music
When we lived in LA (and I was a lot younger), I was way more into music than I am today.  My day consists of listening to sports radio to and from work (brainwashed by my husband and it stuck!) or NPR or the one Boston radio station I know.  For Christmas, we got each other a handful of records and we've been discovering old music we haven't heard in awhile.  Here's what Santa brought this year:

Goal 4: Be a good mom
I saved the best for last.  I'm learning each day what this means.  Life gets busy but I want to remind myself each day that this as the most important thing I can ever do.   

Hope you have a very, very happy new year!